Our Office gives legal counseling and Advocacy services to local or foreign natural or legal persons, for preparing all sorts of contracts of employment or termination of contracts in accordance with the clients’ request and needs, or the evaluation of already prepared contracts and modification in accordance with the clients’ interests, preparing all sorts of workplace instructions in accordance with the clients’ request and needs, or the evaluation of already prepared workplace instructions and modification in accordance with the clients’ interests, applying for all applications requested by the labor and social security legislation, bringing all lawsuits arising from all sorts of employees’ receivables (severance and notice pay, overtime pay, national holidays pay, annual paid leave), compensation for bad faith damages claims, reemployment lawsuits, lawsuits arising from trade-union terminations, lawsuits related to the breach of non-competition rules, lawsuits arising from penalty receivables, actions of objection against administrative fines decided by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, or the Social Security Institution, or İş-Kur, pecuniary and non-pecuniary cases arising from work accidents, law, recourse actions brought by the Social Security Institution against the employer and third persons, actions for fixing the period of service, actions of objections against invalidity and the rate of the earning capacity in the profession, lawsuits, objection actions against premium claims, declaratory actions for business lines, objection actions against the determination of the business lines, objection actions against the determination of power, actions concerning the rights and receivables arising from collective bargaining and that can be brought against the Social Security Institution concerning the monthly incomes and request of incomes arising from the Social Security and the General Health Insurance Law, actions for performance and opinion related to collective bargaining, bringing lawsuits for the determination of quick strikes and lockouts, or defending in lawsuits brought against the client, going before an arbitration tribunal concerning the litigations related to the job security, representing the employer during the negotiation of collective bargaining, bringing actions related to Trade Union Law, Collective Bargaining Strike and Lockout Law, law on the organization of relations between the employees and employers of media professionals and bringing actions related to the Maritime Employment Law or defending in lawsuits brought against the clients, preparation of all sorts of documents related to the labor and social security law, and providing all sort of services related to the labor and social security law.