About Our Law Firm
Develioglu & Dag Law Firm was founded by Mr. Halit Develioglu, Attorney at Law, in the year 1953. Today Mrs. Yonca Dag, Attorneys at Law and Mediator, Mr. Dr. Uner Dag, Attorneys at Law and Mediator, and Mr. Sarp Dag, Attorneys at Law, manage the law firm located in Nisantasi, the commercial center of Istanbul / Turkey.
Our firm provides legal consultancy and legal guidance to domestic and foreign clients mainly in Company Law, Banking and Finance Law, Capital Markets Law, Competition Law, Privatisation Law, Energy Law, Contract Law, Telecommunications Law, Intellectual Property Law, Tax Law, Transport Law, Labour and Social Securities Law, Insolvency and Bankcrupty Law, Law of Property, Law of Inheritance and Project Financing.
Global Service
Our firm offers comprehensive legal services by English, German and French speaking attorneys.
Besides employing attorneys -who are registered to foreign Bar Associations- our firm also collaborates for many years on various projects with Hövel & Partner in Frankfurt / Germany, Aksoy & Partner in Duesseldorf / Germany, Mösch & Partner in Munich / Germany, Frey & Partner in Zurich / Swiss, Gruber & Partner in Vienna / Austria.
As well as being catalogued in “The German Speaking Attorneys List” by the German Consulate General Istanbul, our firm also is a member of Turkish-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Swiss Chamber of Commerce in Turkey, British Chamber of Commerce ın Turkey and French Chamber of Commerce in Turkey for many years.
Mr. Halit Develioglu, Attorney at Law and the founder of our law firm, was born n the year 1925 in Develi / Kayseri / Turkey.
Investigate the institutions we are members of in Turkey and worldwide.